Mit Patel: Revealing His Secrets to MSP Growth – scaleUP Podcast

Mit Patel: Revealing His Secrets to MSP Growth – scaleUP Podcast Ep.2

In the second episode of scaleUP, Darren Morgan are joined by Mit Patel, founder, and former owner of London-based MSP, Netstar.

Mit shares the knowledge he has gained over his years in the industry and lessons he’s learnt along the way – from common mistakes to avoid, to the need to align decisions with long-term growth objectives.

Mit founded Netstar in 2002 at the age of just 20, and successfully grew the business to become an industry leading MSP with a 60 strong team. Netstar experienced impressive growth, averaging around 25% Year on Year, for a 19-year period.

Following his successful exit of Netstar in 2021, Mit has remained actively engaged in the MSP community. He is an active Investor, Speaker, and Non-Executive Director and Advisor within the MSP space. A forward-thinker, with a proven track record, Mit has achieved his successes as a result of powerful self-motivation.

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